History Broxhead House

The original Broxhead House dates back to 1877 when the honourable Fitzlalan Charles Foley built it for the Brixhead family on Broxhead common. In the late 19th century it was sold to Ulick Burke and later to Sir David Barbour who in 1902 sold it to the War Department. From this time until 1939 the house was used as the residence of GOC and later the Brigade Commander.


Late 1939 until November 1940 it became the Headquarters of the newly formed Bordon and Longmoor sub-area. It was then taken over by the Canadian Forces for the remainder of the war, who used it as their Headquarters. When the Canadians left Bordon in 1945 the building became a medical reception station.


From November 1950 to January 1952 it was used as a hotel for officers; this however was not a success. Following this enterprise it then became the Headquarters of the Army Emergency Reserve (AER) REME,. Until 1967 when it changed to Headquarters Central Volunteer REME.


Following the reorganisation of the T.A. and the AER, when it remained until 1977. At this time the Headquarters Central Volunteer REME moved to it’s present location in Louisburg Barracks now known ad Headquarters REME TA. In order to preserve the historical importance of the name Broxhead House within the Bordon Garrison, the name was adopted by the Louisburg Mess, so becoming Broxhead House, Louisburg Mess. The former Broxhead house was sold to Molex in 1983 and is now Molex House.


Broxhead House, Louisburg Mess remained as such until June 1982 when it closed as a Mess and all it’s property, silver and members moved across to  SEME, and the building became transit accommodation for the TA.


By mid 1984 Broxhead was again functioning as a SNCO’s Mess for TA, and in 1985 it became a combined Officers and SNCO’s Mess and transit accommodation. In 1987 following the collapse of the roof the extension was demolished. The Mess continued to function in the manner until refurbishment commenced in June 1996 to restore the Mess to it’s present condition.


History Data Supplied by Dave Perry