May 2001 Southsea Portsmouth

                  211.O.C.C. Annual re-union at Southsea. May18-20th. 2001.



On Friday the 18th.May saw the annual migration of 211.OCC.members heading in one direction for the yearly weekend gathering. Members arriving from early in the day until late evening. Route cards were very simple, just giving the release point as the Sandringham Hotel, Southsea. with no reports of yellow flags being waved, everyone arrived safely, and duly reported in (to the  bar).

During Friday evening stories and experiences were being exchanged and tales from the old days being re-run, regrettably without the expertise of Dave Woods, who was unfortunately unwell and could not attend this year, but will be there at Scarborough in 2002! to give us a song or two or three or four……….!

An evening class (late late) was being held for in-experienced card players if they wished to donate to the organisers whom shall remain nameless. Gary Stewart introduced us to his new friend behind the bar a . R-Sole.



Saturday Am. after BFT (sorry read Breakfast) and an easy stroll, in brilliant weather, to the bowling greens, with team’s pre-arranged battle commenced. The sight of short hairy legs of John Hughes sprinting (Ha, never) across the greens was dazzled by the glistening white waxed legs of Garry Stewart, not saying a lot, but ready for action. Big Ron was heard complaining of a sore right arm with practising  (but at what? His sight is also going, and at his age!!!!!). Ian Lees repeatingly going to the well for more bottled water. The visibility this year across the greens, without the smoke from John Haley’s pipe, was excellent. and good photos from the photographer Dave Perry should be worth seeing. Dixie Dean doing the excellent job of umpire again, what a professional  (professional what?)


The afternoon, being a DIY period found people going shopping (bars), museums etc. with one party doing a recce for our next weekend at a well known holiday camp called BROWNDOWN or Brown – something. Perhaps they went looking for that mysterious bug that you may have heard about that results in a Brown ending!! A quick check on the old refreshment establishment the Cocked Hat and all returned safely with no known after effects. Another group went exploring the submarines, only to find the smell inside was remanisant of ‘F’ shed, and agreed that a leaking ‘basher’ was much better than a leaking submarine.


An informal meeting, chaired by our Hon.Sec.J.Hughes followed the evening meal at the Hotel

The decision to wear lounge suits and ties was agreed for ongoing years with the presence of that “oblong thing” on the table. Awards for the winning pair this year being John Hughes and Ian Lees were made, and a toast was made to our late comrade Dave Barlow an old friend departed.

The decision for 2002 re-union would be return to Scarborough, so start now and get your deposit sent because 2002 will be the BIG ONE!.

All our thanks go to Eric and Ron for the weekend considering the previous problems.


Sunday morning departure with no hurry to go, (not like leaving Bordon, first through the gate) farewells are said and heading for home with great memories of another year and cannot wait for 2002.




                                                                    Ken Pepper. Ex211 RCZ. R.E.M.E.